Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Lookup Transformation - Lookup Cache

1. What is a lookup cache?

Cache is the temporary memory that is created when you execute the process\session.

2. When is lookup cache created?

Cache is created automatically when the process starts and is deleted automatically once the process is completed.

3. Where is the Cache created? Path?

$PMCacheDir   --> $PMRootDir/cache 
[ Note: $PMRootDir    -->  D:/Informatica/9.5.1/Server/InfaShared ]

4. What is the default cache?

By default, Non Persistent Cache is created. i.e Static Cache.

5. What are the types of cache?

1. Persistent Cache
2. Non Persistent Cache - Static Cache and Dynamic Cache

6. What is Persistent Cache?

By default, caches are created as non persistent, it will get deleted once the session run is completed.
You can configure to permanently store data.

Example 1: A mapping/process runs every day and the mapping has the lookup transformation to lookup references table that is not supposed to change for 6 months,

Solution 1: We can opt for Persistent cache,
Select the below properties:

1. Lookup Cache Persistent
2. Cache file name prefix (Cache file such as data and index files are created with the mentioned name)
3. Re-Cache from lookup source (If we need a rebuild of the cache in case there is a update of the lookup table)

Lookup Transformation - Persistent Cache - Property Setting

7. What are the differences between Static Cache and Dynamic Cache?

Static Cache : 

  • A Cache is said to be Static if it does not change with the changes happening in the lookup table,
  • Integration Service does not update the Cache when it is processing the date.
  • The Static Cache is not synchronized with the target lookup
  • It is the default cache.

Dynamic Cache:

  • A Cache is said to be dynamic if it changes with the changes happening in the lookup table.
  • Integration service updates the cache while it is processing the data.
  • The Dynamic Cache is synchronized with the target table.
  • Set the below properties:
    • Dynamic Lookup Cache
    • Insert Else Update
    • A new output port is created NewLookupRow. 
    NewLookupRow = 0 (Unchanged - IS performs no change)
    NewLookupRow = 1 (Insertion - Integration Service inserts the row into the cache)
    NewLookupRow = 2 (Update - Integration Service updates the row into the cache)

    Reference Pics Below

    Lookup Transformation - Dynamic Cache - Property Settings

    Saturday, 1 October 2016

    Types of Lookup Tranformation

    Types of Lookup Tranformation

    There are two types of lookup transformation

    Connected Lookup Transformtion

    1. Input is obtained from mapping pipeline
    2. It can return multiple values
    3. It supports both static and dynamic cache
    4. Multiple lookup instance is created in the mapping.
    5. Returns a default value when no records.

    Unconnected Lookup Transformation

    1. Input is obtained from :LKP function
    2. Returns only one value
    3. It supports only static cache
    4. One lookup instance is used in the mapping.
    5. Return null value when no record.

    Monday, 29 August 2016

    Slowly changing dimention - Type III

    Slowly changing dimention - Type III

    The historical data is tracked/maintained by creating a new column and maintaining the old value in the new column.

    Only the last 2 updates can be maintained,

    1 . Import the source table in Source Analyzer and target table in the Target Designer.
    2. In the Mapping Designer,

    1. Drag and drop the source table and the Source Qualifier is automatically created.
    2. Create a lookup Transformation based on the Target table and put a condition based on the ProductID
    3. Now create a Router and group the condition for Insert/Update.
    • Group A INSERT : IIF(ISNULL(PDT_ID_TRG),true,false)

    GROUP A : It is used to insert the new records to the target table with the below values,

    SURR_KEY  = SeqenceGenerator.NextVal();

    Group B, It is used to update the values 


    4. Create Update Strategy Transformation for the respective groups from Router and finally map it to the target tables.

    Mapping Designer

    Output Data

    Slowly Changing Dimension - Type II

    Slowly Changing Dimension - SCD Type II

    The historical data is tracked/maintained by creating multiple rows for the Natural Key in the Dimension Table by

    1. Creating separate Surrogate Key
    2. Creating different version number

    Here instead of creating different version number we will create ,


    1 . Import the source table in Source Analyzer and target table in the Target Designer.
    2. In the Mapping Designer,

    1. Drag and drop the source table and the Source Qualifier is automatically created.
    2. Create a lookup Transformation based on the Target table and put a condition based on the ProductID
    3. Now create a Router and group the condition for Insert/Update.
    • Group A INSERT : IIF(ISNULL(PDT_ID_TRG),true,false)

    GROUP A : It is used to insert the new records to the target table with the below values,

    SURR_KEY  = SeqenceGenerator.NextVal();
    EFF_END_DT = TO_DATE('30-12-2099','DD-MM-YYYY')

    Group B, There are 2 different pipelines, 

    1. Add the modified row as a new row and set the values are below

    SURR_KEY  = SeqenceGenerator.NextVal();
    EFF_END_DT = TO_DATE('30-12-2099','DD-MM-YYYY')

    2. Update the modified row as below


    4. Create Update Strategy Transformation for the respective groups from Router and finally map it to the target tables.

    Mapping Designer Screen Shot

    Output Data

    Saturday, 20 August 2016

    Slowly Changing Dimension - Type I

    Using Lookup Transformation - Dynamic Cache

    With a dynamic cache, the Integration Service inserts or updates rows in the cache. When you cache the target table as the lookup source, you can look up values in the cache to determine if the values exist in the target. The Lookup transformation marks rows to insert or update the target.

    Final Output -  The Second Table gets updated with the recent record

    Table 1 - Application1 - No Primary Key

    Table2  - Application2 - App_ID is the Primary Key
    LookUp Tranformation - Condition Tab

    Lookup Transformation - Properties Tab

    Lookup Transformation - Ports Tab

    Router - Groups Tab

    Router - Ports Tab

    Mapping Designing

    Update Strategy - Property t/ab

    Session Edit

    Session Edit

    Friday, 19 August 2016

    Slowly Changing Dimension

    Slowly Changing Dimension

    Dimentions that change over time rather than changing on a regular schedule.

    Types of Slowly Changing Dimensions

    • SCD Type 1
    • SCD Type 2
    • SCD Type 3

    SCD Type 1

    Keeps only the current data and does not maintain the historical data.

    i.e., Overwriting the old/existing value.

    Example :

    Suppose the employee changes his location. i,e from India to USA and then he gets shifted to Germany.



    Employee Dimension

    ADV:  Do not consume a lot of space to maintain data
    DISADV:  It does not maintain historical data.

    SCD Type 2 or Version Number Mapping

    Keeps the current data and historical data as well.

    It creates a new column PM_VERSION_NUMBER in the table to track the changes and PM_PRIMARY_KEY in the table to maintain the history.


    SCD Type 2 or Flag Mapping

    Keeps the current data and historical data as well.

    It creates a new column PM_CURRENT_FLAG in the table to track the changes and PM_PRIMARY_KEY in the table to maintain the history.


    SCD Type 2 or Effective date range Mapping

    Keeps the current data and historical data as well.

    It creates PM_BEGIN_DATE and PM_END_DATE to maintain the date range in the table to track the changes and
    PM_PRIMARY_KEY in the table to maintain the history.


    SCD Type 3 - Dimension Mapping

    Keeps the current and partial historical data by adding new column PM_PREV_COL_NAME column to the table.

    Monday, 28 March 2016

    Informatica Interview Question - Node and Domain

    Informatica Interview Question - Node and Domain

    1. What is a Node? 
    • When you install and run the informatica services, the installation is known as Node. 
    • The logical representation of informatica installation is known as Node.
         2. What is Domain?
    • Domain is a grouping of one or more nodes.
    • A domain forms an environment upon which the informatica serivce processes run.
    • A node from the domain connects to a relational database.
    • This database have the tables of domain configuration repository.
    • You can add nodes to the domain, when you install the node.
    • (Basic description is : There is a node, there is a domain database. The stuff runs on Node and the domain has/stores the stuff.)
    • Informatica supports Oracle, IBM DB2,Sybase,MQSQLserver for domain database
          3. What are the types of nodes?
    •       Basically the node is of two types, Worker node and Gateway Node.
          4.  Describe Worker , Gateway and Master Gateway Node?

    •  A node can either be a worker node or a gateway node.
    •  Domain can have more worker node and gateway nodes but only one Master Gateway node.
    • Each Domain has a minimum of one Gateway node.
    Gateway Node:
    • Gateway node runs the management services.
    •  A gateway node connects to the domain database and changes the metadata stored in the domain tables.
    • At a time, these tasks
    • A gateway node acts as the master gateway node, which runs the management services of all the domains and it is the one node in the domain which changes the domain database.
    Worker Node:

    •     Worker node runs the Application Services.
    • Cannot connect to the Domain database.

        5. What happens when the master gateway node fails?
    •      One of the other gateway node elects the master gateway node.

    Update Records Without using Update Strategy

    Update Records Without using Update Strategy

    This is very simple procedure.

    Create a mapping. There is nothing to do with powercenter designer.

    While creating session, we have to change few properties in the session property.

    Mapping Designer

    Edit Tasks - Properties - Treat Source Rows As - Update

    Edit Tasks - Mapping - Update Else Insert  - Select

    Wednesday, 23 March 2016

    Joiner Transformation

    Joiner Transformation:

    You can join two tables using the Joiner Transformation. If you need to join 3 table Sources, then 2 Joiner Transformation is required. So if you need to join N number of source, you need N-1 Joiner Transformation.

    The Joiner Transformation joins the source based on one or more condition between the 2 sources.

    The 2 input source pipeline has master and detail pipeline. By default, the second source is considered as Master.

    Mapping Designer

    Joiner Transformation Edit- Give the Condition based on 2 source Table

    Select Master/Detail for Source

    Below query is executed for the above mapping.

    select e.employee_id,first_name,d.department_id,d.department_name,e.email from employees e left outer join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id;

    This is otherwise called Normal Join.

    Normal Join

    Matching rows from master table and detail table

    Master Outer Join

    Returns the rows from detail table and the matching records of both the table.

    Detail Outer Join

    Returns the rows from master table and the matching records of both the table.

    Tuesday, 22 March 2016

    Start the Informatica Service using Task Manager

    Start the informatica server

    Using the task manager you can start the informatica server.
    Task Manager - Start Informatica Server

    Friday, 19 February 2016

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Joins

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Joins:

    You can join two or more tables using the Source Qualifier Transformation. To achieve it, 

    Set the Property of "User Defined Join" in the Properties Tab of the Edit Transformation.

    Edit Transformations - Properties Tab

    Mappng Designer

    This works based on the below query:

    select * from employees e,departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id;

    Left Outer Join SQL Query - HR Schema

    Thursday, 18 February 2016

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Filter

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Filter:

    Using Source Qualifier Transformation,

    You can filter the rows of the source database by adding a where clause in the Source Filter in the Properties Tab of the Edit Transformation.

    The Intergration Service adds a WHERE clause to the default query.

    Edit Transformations - Properties Tab - Source Filter

    Mappng Designer

    This works based on the below query:

    select * from employees e,departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.department_name='IT';

    Left Outer Join SQL Query - HR Schema

    In the Workflow Manager, the session properties check the Source Filter Properties of Souce Qualifier Properties in the Mapping Tab.

    Workflow Manager - Edit Task - Mapping Tab - SQ Properties - Source Filter

    Wednesday, 3 February 2016

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Sort

    Source Qualifier Transformation - Sort:

    Using Source Qualifier Transformation,

    You can Sort the rows of the source by specifying the number of ports.

    The Intergration Service adds a ORDER BY clause to the default SQL query.

    Note: The Order of the column in the Source Qualifier Transformation should be order of number of ports which we specify for Sort Port.

    Edit Source Qualifier Transformation - No of sorted ports

    Mappng Designer

    This works based on the below query:

    select * from employees e,departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.department_name='IT' ORDER BY first_name;

    Left Outer Join SQL Query - HR Schema

    In the Workflow Manager, the session properties check the Number of sorted ports Properties of Souce Qualifier Properties in the Mapping Tab.

    Workflow Manager -Edit Task - Mapping Properties - SQ Properties